In California, when is it OK for a child under 8 years old and 4 feet 9 inches in height to ride in the front seat of a vehicle? As we discussed in Unit 2, a traffic circle (or roundabout) is a circular intersection in which vehicles travel counter-clockwise around a raised island. Because traffic will be lighter on these roads, you'll encounter fewer conflicts and have to stop and start less frequently. Use our interactive calendar below to explore which days of the week predominantly see the most road accidents. 0000018941 00000 n Turn on your flashers to help the emergency vehicle. As, a driver, you can lower the level of risk by _____. The speed posted on a sign that warns you of a curve ahead _____. 0000497536 00000 n Time of day, month and year matters - The Conversation 0000474955 00000 n casualties from car crashes happened in urban areas, as well as 60 percent of total bicyclist fatalities. To decrease the effects of high altitudes: At higher elevations, your car will have less horsepower and it will take more effort to perform standard maneuvers. To help support our reporting work, and to continue our ability to provide this content for free to our readers, we receive compensation from the companies that advertise on the Forbes Advisor site. Hidden Farm Driveways and Side Roads On the freeway, maintain a 3 second following distance. Yield to any pedestrians on the sidewalk and any traffic using the roadway. Exercise caution when driving in a parking lot. Suspended. Facts + Statistics: Highway safety | III Deaths among pedestrians accounted for another 25%, while emergency vehicle drivers represented 11% and emergency vehicle passengers accounted for about 5% of the deaths. Reduce your speed when: Check your tire inflation and tread depth. A solid yellow "X", which means stay in the lane but slow down. A study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found that the vast majority (around 96 percent) of car accidents at intersections occur because of the actions of drivers. 17. Remember, if you're about to crash into a wild animal, don't swerve or brake suddenly. Some of the most important car crash statistics relate to collision causes. 0000014625 00000 n Most driver mileage is accumulated in urban settings while most accidents occur in rural settings. When it comes to car accidents, some causes are more common than others. DUI statistics show many teen drivers take unacceptable risks by consuming alcohol before getting behind the wheel. [2], There are certain times when impaired driving is more common. Knowing the causes of possible car accidents could help you avoid getting involved in a collision of your own. Can the exit of the curve be seen ahead? Child restraint anchorage systems should have _____ lower anchorages. 0000014286 00000 n When driving in the city, _____ may help you avoid traffic, but they may not be as safe or they may increase your travel time because of traffic control lights. Unable to see oncoming traffic due to a hilltop, obstruction, or curve Drive in a low gear to reduce the speed of your car. City driving situations in which you should use cover braking include: When traffic is heavy, typically during early morning or late afternoon rush hours, the lanes and the space around you will be completely occupied. Pedestrians and Car Crashes - Injury Facts Collisions on rural roads are often fatal because the wide-open spaces of rural areas tempt drivers to relax their vigilance and exceed the speed limit. Both 4-door sedans and station wagons were especially prevalent among vehicles involved in fatal crashes, accounting for 14,822 and 2,149 deadly collisions respectively. ONE WAY signs posted on both sides of the street and at the intersection In New Hampshire, for example, fatal crashes are more common in rural areas in 2019, 42% of fatal accidents occurred in urban areas, and 58% of fatalities occurred in rural areas. Human error as a cause of vehicle crashes every 30 minutes B.) In some places, like mountain roads, there may be no shoulder at all. Lack of Space. [9], With so many fatalities occurring, Forbes Advisor calculated one fatal car accident occurs every 15 minutes in the United States. 10-12 point. You are able to cross over into the oncoming lane. The _____ becomes critical if you are in a situations where you may be struck from the rear. The likelihood of head-on collision is at its greatest on roads with narrow lanes, sharp curves, no separation of lanes of opposing traffic and high volumes of traffic. The hours right after you eat a large meal. iDriveSafely Answers: Quiz & Test Answers | Injuries among young motorists were also common, with a total of 437,677 people under 20 getting hurt in collisions in 2020.[14]. [5], Seatbelts save lives. White, rather than yellow, lane markings The rhythm that regulates the body's natural wake/sleep cycle is called _____. A total of 51% of all Montana car accidents involve intoxicated drivers. The NHTSA reports that most accidents occur during "rush hour," between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. And according to the NHTSA, Saturday is the most dangerous day of the week to drive, primarily because there are more cars - and more drunk drivers - on the road than any other day. 0000014369 00000 n . South Carolina and Colorado are the two riskiest states when it comes to speeding drivers, with 46% of fatal crashes in each location involving drivers going too fast. Past performance is not indicative of future results. In fact, just 23% of crashes involving drivers with a BAC of .01 or higher occurred during the daytime while 67% of DUI-related collisions occurred at night. Stiffness in the neck can make it difficult for drivers to _____. Christy Bieber is a personal finance and legal writer with more than a decade of experience. The majority of collisions in urban driving occur at intersections, and 0000002238 00000 n Urban driving often involves limited _____ which often obstructs advance warning of traffic obstacles. 0000530896 00000 n B.) And, if you want to complete the iDriveSafely traffic school as quickly as possible, the answers below will help you accomplish so in no time! Of those, 13% say they fall asleep while driving at least once a month, and 4% say they have caused a crash by falling asleep while . 0000024492 00000 n This information is not intended to create, and receipt Moreover, at high elevations, insufficient hydration can cause you to develop altitude sickness, which can affect your alertness. When leaving an alley or parking area, you must stop behind the sidewalk before proceeding. That means a total of 5,250,837 collisions happened over the course of a single year.[1]. While found mostly in rural areas, hills and curves pose problems to drivers in all driving environments. September 3rd is a close second in terms of deadliness, with an average of 128 fatal crashes occurring each year on that date.[7]. Just as you must account for the effects of centripetal and centrifugal force when driving through a curve, when traveling over a hill you must consider the effects of gravity on your car. In line with the UN's global goals on sustainability several initiatives are promoting walking. Avoid alcohol and minimize the amount of caffeine you consume. Detours are used if the main route is under construction, unsafe for some reason, or unavailable. Common Causes of Truck Accidents - FindLaw Follow the directions and speed limits indicated by the signs. If a driver in front stops suddenly and a collision occurs it is the "fault" of _____. UK Road Safety: When and Where Do Most Accidents Occur on - Holts The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Pay attention to these lights to make sure you are not traveling in the wrong direction. Meeting slow-moving vehicles Wildlife Crossing Areas Prepare for your next trip on country roads, the urban jungle, or the open skies. In 2013, 196 fatal collisions in Texas involved a fatigued driver. If you have been in an accident on any type of road or highway, you should take the following steps: Decrease your salt intake. If the vehicle has to stop at the top of the hill, you could be endangered if you're driving too close. To help manage risk, it is essential that you _____ that can increase levels of risk. The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards are written in terms of _____ safety performance requirements for motor vehicles. b) when a driver is turning right. Perform a U-turn (if permitted by a posted sign) Gridlock occurs when vehicles get stuck in the middle of an intersection because the roadway on the other side is already completely occupied. When approaching the crest of a hill, drivers face many of the same problems they do when nearing a curve. Move closer to the center of the lane as you approach the apex (mid-point) of the curve, and move back towards the right edge of the lane as you leave the curve. It is important to pay special attention during the 6pm and 9pm window as this is when a majority of the deer car accidents occur. Southern states tended to be riskier for motorists overall, with South Carolina, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina all found among the 10 highest-risk states for motorists. In the U.S., over 2 million people are injured and over 30,000 people are killed in traffic collisions _____. Be sure to consider these factors and make the appropriate adjustments whenever you're planning a maneuver. Be sure to check traffic to your rear and signal your intention to turn left before entering the lane. Always reduce your speed if your visibility is limited. _____ is an extra lane that permits a vehicle to reach freeway speeds. Drivers over 55, who represent 25% of all drivers, are involved in approximately_____of collisions. 5 These fatal crashes led to 37,461 total fatalities, including 25,096 vehicle occupants, 5,286 motorcyclists, and 7,079 nonoccupants. A lack of _____ is a major factor in traffic crashes. Wait for a gap in the traffic in front of you approaching from the left. Road traffic injuries - World Health Organization Signal that you intend to turn left and stop at the edge of the roadway Signs will also indicate when a one-way street is changing or coming to an end. 0000016539 00000 n You are impaired when your ability to operate a vehicle is _____. These include: The drivers of these vehicles do not have to be licensed and often cannot hear other road users due to the noise of their vehicles. The leading cause of accidents, injuries, and deaths from deer-related accidents is when vehicles swerve. If you are in an emergency and there is no space to the side to steer out of the way of a crash, _____. Rough roads, especially roads with potholes, will cause your vehicle to bounce as you proceed.
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